OneCNC Series Updates

This is a history of all OneCNC updates.

You may notice sometimes there can be a jump in version numbers.

This is due to intensive and continual internal testing where we thoroughly test versions before releasing proven functional updates.

To download updates, see our OneCNC Updates page.

OneCNCXR8 release 62.35

OneCNCXR8 Release update 62.35

In this release the major changes and fixes are:

Tool Change Variables.
In the mill and lathe tool change dialog there are settings to apply additional variables to the tool change functionality. This version now supports these variables in files posted including groups. Previously groups were not supported.

2D 3D Pages Drawing Function
This function has been updated so that arcs are represented as arcs rather than linear.

File Extents importing files:
Some files from other CAD software is exported with junk entities that have been causing the extents of the file being set in OneCNCXR8. This has now been adjusted to accept the junk without it affecting the extents settings.

Mill Profile Function:
Because OneCNCXR8 supports tapered tools some previous version OneCNC files were causing taper problems which have now been corrected.

Clean Circle Function:
The clean circle zig zag entry function is now working

Version Release OneCNCXR8 62.35 is now available in the update server for all licenced OneCNCXR8 users.

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OneCNCXR8 Release 62.33

We have released OneCNCXR8 Version release 62.33

In this version these are the main function changes and fixes:

All Versions

Loading Files
Corrected handling of extents errors of some files with massive extents.

Language Saving
File saving corrections were made to problems saving some language files.

Verify Solids
Corrections were made to the verify solids function.

Parallel Offset
Corrected functionality of chaining

Advanced Offset
Re-enabled Offset Both sidessetting

Step Translator
Further adjustments to import

DXF Translator
OneCNC is now supporting polylines and this version includes corrections to arcs representing polylines
Corrected problems in DXF outpot that included models and or surfaces.
Import DXF part rotate correction
Corrections for some imported incorrect arcs 

NC Manager
Corrected naming save problems

Dimension Mirror
Correct mirror dimension referance lines when using dimension function

Arc Centre
Corrections to arc centre


3Axis Reposition
Corrected and updated pocketing facing and profiling functionalities and associated settings 
Included warning messages to assist users that select wrong plane or have forgot to set the plane correctly before selecting the function.

Boundary selection correction of user selections.

Lathe job sheet not not showing text after creation was corrected.

This is now available in the OneCNC update server to all licenced OneCNCXR8 users

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OneCNCXR8 Release 62.30

OneCNCXR8 Version 62.30 is released

All Versions

Printing function has been corrected to print correct colour


More advances in the modelling are released in this version.

Extrusion function has had further development especially in the extrude with taper and associated filleting.

Solidworks STEP and IGES import has had some updates.


The facing function simulation had a correction in simulation and facing finish

Lathe section of model has been developed to provide a more reliable section of profile.

More corrections to the lathe tool holder models.

Lathe tool library importing old legacy tool files has been improved to handle old files.

Mill Versions

Mill versions have had development work completed to assist in using extracted second grade geometry mainly in pockets.

This OneCNCXR8 Version 62.30 release is now available in the OneCNC update server.

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