OneCNC Series Updates

This is a history of all OneCNC updates.

You may notice sometimes there can be a jump in version numbers.

This is due to intensive and continual internal testing where we thoroughly test versions before releasing proven functional updates.

To download updates, see our OneCNC Updates page.

OneCNCXR7 Update 51.10

OneCNCXR7 Update release 51.10 is now available in the OneCNC update server.

This update is a combination of changes and improvements for all versions of OneCNCXR7 products.

The language versions have been updated .

New drawing templates have been added

Stability of software improvements have been included in this version.

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OneCNCXR7 Update 51.06

OneCNCXR7 Update release 51.06 is now available in the OneCNC update server.

This update is a combination of changes and improvements for all versions of OneCNCXR7 products.

OneCNCXR7 All Versions

Large File Dynamic Rotation.

There is a major change in the software how OneCNCXR7 handles large files for dynamic viewing.
With high quality rendering set large files with many small fillets dynamic viewing was sometimes slow.
Large files caused the rotation zooming and panning to be sometimes jerky slow and not smooth.

There is now a major change internally how these large files are handled and new technology is included to provide smooth dynamic viewing..

.Users will be pleased with this new performance ability.

When a dimension is applied in 3D the current plane for the dimension must be active.

For users that just make simple dimension drawings without tolerances notes and other text in their dimensions now have the ability to set the default edit mode on or off.

When this is set to off any dimensions requiring text symbols or tolerances will need to use edit dimension after placement of the dimension.

dim edit

OneCNCXR7 Dark Theme
OneCNCXR7 Dark Theme has improved colours ans the default settings for the theme. 

OneCNCXR7 Lathe Versions

OneCNC Groove Control For Boring has been updated

Boring bar grooving now supports the groove control same as external turning.

groove control

Internal grooving now also supports collision control if the groove control is turned on in boring as well

bore 1 

When Boring if the cut grooves is turned off it is now the same as turning OD

bore 2

You will notice that we also support the neutral tool for boring as well as turning and this shows the gouge checking on each side of the groove.

You may not use this tool for this application but we use it to display checking the collision avoidance correctly.

Neutral Tool OD Turning

Here is the OD tool with a finishing cut

bore 3

Here is simulation to show the tool

bore 4

OneCNCXR7 Mill Versions

Active Cut Feed Control
Due to the wide acceptance and and use of this functionality we have had a large amount of feed back and as well we have continued to test and research from this information and as well as our continued development and are now releasing an update in this functionality.

OneCNCXR7 Active Cut Feed Control is tuned to suit all machines in normal machining where  linear and arc machining is performed. This update has many improvements and also applies to how we handle arcs and certain linear movement in the feed control. Other improvements apply to how the settings are used when using machine cutter compensation or G41 G42.


OneCNCXR7 Simulation for tapered milling cutters has simulation accuracy improvements.


When using pocket or profile function with tapered end mills it is important to remember the following.

1. Tapered end mills are defined by the diameter at the small or bottom end of the end mill and tapers larger from there..

2. When defining a profile or pocket for the tapered end mill you need to define it to suit the bottom diameter

tapered mill

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OneCNCXR7 Update 50.94

Happy New Year to all!

This is the first release for 2017 and includes  important added functionality.

Solidworks 2017
Solidworks have released the 2017 version so customers will start forwarding 2017 version files.
OneCNCXR7 50.93 can now import Solidworks 2017 files. There were major changes to make this possible in OneCNCXR7 and all previous versions of OneCNC will not have this ability to directly load Solidworks 2017 files.
All previous versions will require the Solidworks file supplier to save the file as a previous version of Solidworks or use the STEP export. Previous versions of OneCNC can then import as a step file. 

Loading previous version  OneCNC files in to OneCNCXR7
Some important information about loading previous XFA version files in OneCNCXR7. The new OneCNCXR7 file format files *.ONECNC completely replaces *.XFA style.
There is no way to load a XR7 *.ONECNC file into earlier versions that used *.XFA style files. It is also not possible to load a *.ONECNC file by renaming it *.XFA.

Suitability of OneCNC previous version files in OneCNCXR7
Loading all previous OneCNC files *.XFA into OneCNCXR7 is fine for all CAM purposes. There can however be differences with drawing layout of previously dimension and text files created in previous versions to OneCNCXR7 and can require minor editing to correct.

The main reason for this is that OneCNCXR7 is now using the most universal approach of using Unicode for fonts.
This was necessary to bring us in to the true global support for fonts.
OneCNCXR7 now has a different method now of text and dimension to achieve this.
An added advantage now is that the fonts will show you on the screen the real position which would not change with printing or vectored to use for other purposes
Previously the fonts may have printed or vectored to geometry different to what it showed on the screen as an example.

The old OneCNC default font is still available for use as a simple stick font and for engraving fonts but is not as suitable for text or dimension because it does not have the ability of the Unicode style.
The Unicode fonts have the added fonts to provide the ability to have for example correct diameter symbols (the circle with the angled line) as well as other numerous features of smaller fonts for tolerance feature additions.
This also now allows OneCNCXR7 to have the styles to suit ISO DIN etc.

The placement of fonts or the locating position of Unicode is also somewhat different than previous which means that drawings using text and dimension may not look the same in OneCNCXR7.
If the previous files are required to be in OneCNCXR7 the text position may need to be sometimes edited to re position text to be suitable presentation.
The old default font did not have any of the new symbols like diameter etc these were created using a circle and a slash so that has all changed now.
Future drawings made in OneCNCXR7 using true type fonts and the correct Unicode font make very presentable drawings now..

This OneCNCXR7 version 50.94 release has some improvements in supporting the previously drawn and dimension OneCNC files.
In OneCNCXR7 loading a previous OneCNC file and selecting all it is possible now to change all the text from for example the old default font to a Unicode font.
New drawings should be made to a style that can be selected in OneCNCXR7 to ensure compatibility to the required standard of drawing.

New functionality in Mill CAM

Z Level Finish sketch Start Position
OneCNCXR7 now supports the selection of a nominated start position where possible.

Undercut Z level machining Start Position
Undercut now has a new method of providing a nominated start position,

5 axis Simultaneous Z Level  finish Start Position
5 Axis Z level  nominated start position has been added to this function.

This release is now available from the OneCNC Updates page.

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